£0.00Per Entry
This is an APP ONLY Freebie. Please Download our Free App to Enter!
The Winners account will be credited with £25 Credit to spend on all our new prizes!
STRICTLY 1 Ticket per Raffleader
This Auto – draw and will be drawn automatically when sold out or Tonight IN 60 MINUTES
You can watch the draw LIVE on our Raffleade Facebook page. We will also be posting updates on this competition and future competitions on the page so make sure you are following and our posts are set to show at the top of your newsfeed! You will receive a random ticket number via email for every entry. You can also see these under My Account. The competition closes once the maximum amount of entries has been reached. If the competition sells out we may bring the draw date forward. If it is absolutely necessary to do so, we reserve the right to change the competition start and end dates. To enter for free please send an unenclosed postcard in the post first class. One entry per postcard stating ; Full name, Email address, Phone number, Full address, Competition, Answer to the competition question and agreement to T&C’s. All details must be clearly written. You MUST create an account with your full address on our website before sending a postal entry. Postal entries received without a registered account cannot be processed. If entering our competitions by post or online please ensure you have read and agree to our terms and conditions, if your entries do not comply with the terms they will not be included in the draw.
After completion of payment, your number(s) will be displayed. They will also be emailed to you and will be available under My Account.
The draw is done live on Facebook using a random number generator to determine the winner.
The competition closes on the specified draw date. If the competition sells out we can bring the draw date forward. NO EXTENSIONS so the prizes will be drawn regardless of sell out. Keep updated on the confirmed draw date via our Facebook page and website.
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